Friday, May 18, 2007

Session 23 May 15, 2007

Session 23 Return to the Ruins of Al-Anria
Dungeon Master {Josh)

The Players:
“Archmage Tyrrick” and “Inspector Gideon” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-7, Wizard-1, Master of Masks-3
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-11
Enalo Endless Shores and Ann the Crocodile (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-11
Specere Tredecim (Jeff) Synad Psionic Warrior-4, Crusader-7

Trot the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-5 [Retired]
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-4 Sorcerer-1 [Retired]

Having finally gotting a few hours of sleep we awoke in the morning feeling better about our situation. I took eight hours to make my assassin “mask” persona, Malice the Unseen. Enalo began his twenty-four hour vigil to summon a new animal companion. Argent did a little tuning up and Specere did some training. We seemed to be outside the influence of the drow here in the jungle. I tried detecting to see if we were being scryed and found out that we, in fact, were not being observed. We get a few more hours of rest and relaxation. Enalo finished his ritual and from somewhere out of the wild came a new crocodile. He named this crocodile, Ann. The two fighters seemed eager to return to the ziggurat and kill more drow, especially Specere. I would have been just as happy trying to find the halfling village and return home. Instead I chose to keep my mouth closed. We decided in the morning to head back to the ruins of Al-Anria. I wonder if this might be my last night beneath the stars. We know the drow have several high level leaders and it seems we have gotten their attention. Each time they attack us with better and better troops. Eventually they will probably send a whole unit or maybe an army to deal with us.
The next morning we began our hike across the volcanic plain, then up the hundreds of stairs and down the ladder into the top level. We hiked to the staircase down and headed to the spinning hallway and on to the ramp room. Next we hike over to the secret ladder hidden beneath the big ring. As we headed out the first room Argent, in the front, tripped over a wire across the doorway. I inspect the wire and find the set up of the tripwire trap and where the wire went into the wall. After a further inspection I found a hidden compartment that contain a small box. I believe it was an early warning device. Well they know were here again. We decide to further explore this level. It was decided to head back to the Death Mother temple where we found the lich. As we approached the pit we noticed the door we had been laying across the pit was gone. With Argent and Specere forming our front line I was behind them followed by Enalo the Rhino and Ann the Crocodile. As Specere and Argent approached the pit three archers appear across the pit and fire arrows at Specere. One was wearing plate armor, the other two were wearing leather armor. They hit Specere twice. He said the arrows made him itch wear they sunk into his flesh. Typical of the drow to use poisoned arrows. Specere jumped to the left hallway of the four-way intersection over the pit and not only nearly fell into the pit, but almost landed on a drow ninja. The archers moved a few feet to continue to fire arrows at Specere. Again one of them hit Specere. I fired a fireball down the hallway trying to catch the armored warrior and the two archers. I did seem to damage all three, but not very much. From behind I heard the awful sound of a crocodile scream as an invisible troll attacked Ann from behind. It looked like a nasty wound. It would be unlikely she could survive another hit like the again. Argent following Specere’s lead and jumped over the pit into the right hallway. Just like Specere he landed right next to a drow ninja. Argent didn’t mess around and pounded the unsuspecting ninja. Enalo sensing that his animal companion was in trouble used is blinding spittle ability and hit the troll right in the eyes. Ann not missing an opportunity like that bit the troll. The armored drow also continued to fire on Specere, but missed him. Specere did his usual mighty first attack. He said it was something like divine surge, giant stance and bless. All I know is the ninja dropped instantly. The ninja and the archers all made their attacks and missed Argent and Specere respectively. I changed my attack and targeted the Troll with a fireball. Much to my surprise he deftly evaded my attack. Must be some kind of thief. The troll stumbled out the door at the end of the hall and into the room beyond. The bad news was a second invisible troll snuck into the room and attacked Ann again. She never had a chance. His attack killed her outright and there was nothing we could do. Argent positioned himself next to the ninja and around the corner from one of the archers. His first maneuver killed the ninja and his secondary attack caught the archer completely by surprise wounding him. Somewhere behind me I heard Enalo telling me to get the hell out of the way unless I wanted get into melee combat. He’s right I don’t want to get into melee combat. On the other side of the battle the armored warrior was having troubles firing his bow and couldn’t get a shot off. Specere jumped across the pit again next to an armored warrior. He nearly fell into the pit again, but he recovered and sliced nicely through the warrior dropping him. The remaining archer shot Specere again as he shrugged off the effects of the poison. Before I moved out of Enalo’s way I fired a magic missile at the troll hitting him solidly then I backed up towards the edge of the pit behind Enalo. Enalo charged the troll in rhino form. Man that has to hurt. The troll took the horn right into the gut, but not before he smacked Enalo with a claw. The troll seemed enraged and attacked Enalo again. Argent saw an opportunity to jump across the pit when the archer died. He moved up and leaped across the pit and moved down the hallway dropping the sword of winter’s and pulling out a drow scorpion chain. Specere attacked the last archer, although he lived through the attack he wouldn’t live for much longer. The archer not liking his chances against the two warriors pulled out his rapier and prepared for combat. I chose my next spell carefully and targeted the troll with another magic missile hitting it right in the chest. To our surprise the second troll came back into the room and climbed the wall past his partner and dropped between myself and the now surrounded Enalo. On the troll’s back was some kind of spider arms that helped him to climb the wall. The other troll thankfully missed Enalo. Argent sensing that Specere could handle the remaining archer turned and made a running leap attack over the pit and into the troll. It was a beautiful thing to see. As Argent expected Specere had little trouble finishing off the last archer before head back our way. I sensed an opportunity to sneak attack the troll. I made a fantastic attack that would have killed many a creature, but just as I attacked the troll he blinked and my attack missed. Damn! Unfortunately the troll didn’t miss me smacking me with a huge claw. Argent and Enalo both hit their troll with nice attacks. Specere made his leap attack over the pit and with a nice landing killed the first of the two trolls. As for myself I moved as far back as I could and fired another magic missile at the remaining troll. Enalo cast his flying piranha spell further damaging the troll. The troll in a panic hit Argent with a claw before Argent returned the favor. Still in combat I used my rapier to damage the troll followed by the fish attacking the troll again finishing him off once and for all. We gathered up the treasure and began discussions as what to do next, press on or pull back and reload up on our spells and abilities.


{Tyrrick} Warforged don’t have asshole
{Specere} No, he has three assholes [pointing at the three of us]

[In reference to the box from the trap]
{Tyrrick} Where’s the hole?


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