Friday, June 22, 2007

Session 26 June 12, 2007

Session 26 Good Bye Xen’drik
Dungeon Master: {Josh)

The Players:
Sarai Stewart aka “Arch-Mage Tyrrick” and “Sydney Jackson Pirate Extraordinaire” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-8, Wizard-1, Master of Masks-4
Enalo Endless Shores and Arturo the Dire Bear (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-13
Specere Tredecim (Jeff) Synad Psionic Warrior-4, Crusader-9
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-12 [Resurrected]

Ann the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Trot the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-5 [Retired]
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-4 Sorcerer-1 [Retired]

Grabbing 25000 in gold pieces and gems we headed down to the temple and paid to have Argent resurrected. I then spend most of the next week identifying the treasure we had collected over the last week. It was nice to relax and unwind from the constant drow and fire giant battles that had threatened our lives. By the end of the week we had sold most of our extra gear and claimed the items out of the treasure we each wanted. I took a set of gloves that made more agile and gave me better balance. In addition to the gloves I got a potion of cure moderate wounds, gems, platinum pieces and gold totaling about 10000 gold pieces. At the end of the week our group got back together and discussed our options. One options was, as Under Dean Petty suggested, go back and destroy the device that captured the Valanar elves. I figured there were probably several hundred elves on their way as we spoke to destroy the device for their ancestral spirits. So each of us made our suggestions. Enalo wanted to explore the shores of Xen’drik before heading back; he also introduced us to his large dire bear named Arturo. Argent didn’t care as long as he could fight something along the way. Specere was open to any suggestion since he had never seen the world outside of Xen’drik. My suggestion was to head back to Sharn and possible back to help Aundair recover form the elven invasion. The others agreed with me, so we went to Under Dean Petty and got a free ride back to Sharn. We had just three more days on the accursed island of Xen’drik before our ship left. It couldn’t happen soon enough I didn’t care for my experiences in the ruins of Al-Anria.
On the third day we boarded the airship The Maiden’s Virtue. The ship was nice, but nowhere as nice as The Golden Dragon. Counting us there was a total of 14 people on the ship. The captain was a tall man named Ole and the first mate was a beautiful female named Zoë. The rest of the crew consisted of eight human males. Before I boarded the ship I adopted the persona of Sydney Jackson Pirate Extraordinaire. I figured he might mix in better with the crew. I also went around and detected thought of the crew, captain and first mate. I found the captain to be very intelligent and the crew to be dumb and boring. Zoë was the interesting person. She was up to something and I seemed to have something to do with us. She never seemed to linger on the details so I couldn’t figure out what she had in store for us.
The trip turned out to be uneventful until the night of the third day. The whole ship lurched forward like we hit something. We all got out of our cabins and ran to the deck to see what was going on. The night was well lit by a nearly full moon. As we were standing on the deck we found out what happened. From over the bow of the ship came the biggest dragon I’ve ever seen. Actually the only dragon I had ever seen, but it was bigger than I had ever imagined. The first thing the dragon did was breath a stream of acid across the ship. This acid caught two workers, Arturo and nearly hitting me. The workers died almost immediately, Arturo was wounded but he is a tough bear. Argent drank a potion of fly. I caught the dragon with a scorching ray spell while Enalo, now a ethereal dragon, hit the dragon with his weird looking breath attack. Everyone else seemed to run for cover or try and help clean up the acid damage. Specere, not able to fly, cast circle of protection from evil and helped with acid clean up. Argent charged the dragon that was now at the aft of the ship. I fired a magic missile at the dragon since most of my other spells wouldn’t reach the dragon. Enalo hit the dragon with a spell he called comet fall. It looked like it damaged the dragon. Specere figured since he couldn’t hit the dragon with his weapon he could at least help out by casting Bless. The dragon moved way beneath the ship so I tried hitting him with a fireball. It looked like it hit him and had no effect. Enalo started cast a summoning spell. Everyone else just waited for the dragon to come back around for his next run. In the meantime as he moved closer for his next attack I fired another magic missile at him. Again it looked like it had no effect. Enalo finished his spell and a djinni appeared. The djinni cast a fly spell on Specere, but he had to turn gaseous first before he could fly. Specere came over to me and I gave him my levitation potion. This time the dragon cast a fireball spell hitting several crewmembers including the captain and first mate. The fireball also caught Specere, and Arturo in the blast. I was able to avoid the flames. Once the fire cleared I saw all the crew caught in the blast were dead. Captain Ole ran over to First Mate Zoë and did his best to bandage her unconscious body. I fired another magic missile at the dragon; this one did affect the dragon. The dragon began his second straining run. The acid breath hit Specere and Arturo again. For the third time I dodge the dragons attack. The djinni moved next to the dragon and tried casting plane shift on him, but the spell failed. Enalo used his arc lightning spell and used the djinni as one of the arc points. Both the djinni and Dragon took damage from the spell. Argent charged the dragon again when it got close enough to him unfortunately he missed his attack. As the dragon moved past the ship I hit him with another magic missile spell. Specere next borrowed my rope of climbing incase he had to tie of on the dragon when he tried to land on its back. The dragon had other ideas. He turned and targets the ring of fire around the ship that kept the ship afloat and moving. His acid breath destroyed the ring and the ship began falling towards the ocean really fast as the dragon flew toward what looked like an island. Both Argent and Enalo were already flying. Specere drank the potion of levitation. I ran over to Arturo and cast levitation on the bear. Argent flew down and grabbed the captain and the first mate. Just before the ship crashed into the water I cast my temporary fly spell and landed on the back of Arturo. I was then that I looked up and saw the huge fire elemental that had been powered the ship was now free and did it look angry.


[The running joke is that Argent the warforged is equipped like a Ken Doll.]
{Tyrrick} He has no manhood.
{Argent} Yeah, and I just sold my battlefist.

[Discussing what might be found on the island]
{Tyrrick} A Tarrasque with monk levels.


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