Monday, February 26, 2007

Session 8 January 9, 2007

Session 8 Black Hunter Village and the Ruins of Al-Anria

“Sydney Jackson Pirate Extraordinaire” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-3
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-3
Enalo Endless Shores (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-3
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-3
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-2 Sorcerer-1

On our walk to the halfling village we discussed ways to possible kill a giant two-headed tyrannosaurus. It was decided the best way would be to dig a deep pit at least 15 feet deep since the halfling said the t-rex was about twenty feet tall. As for the width it would have to be at least 10 feet across. Anything less and the t-rex might stride over the trap. We were going to lure the t-rex to the pit by having some sheep in a clearing. Once the t-rex appeared and ate the sheep Enalo would summon some wolves. The t-rex would chase the wolves towards the covered pit. The wolves would run across the pit and the t-rex would fall in. The bottom and sides of the pit would have sharp stakes that would damage the t-rex as it fell in and also keep him from climbing out. We figured with working 10 to 13 hours days and with the help of the halflings we might get the pit dug in just under a week.
We arrived in the village and the villagers were so happy to see us they had a big barbeque in our honor. Everything was going great when we felt the ground shake. The villagers began running for shelter. I did the same grabbing a couple of smaller children and heading for the nearest shelter. The noise proceeded to grow louder as the beast got closer to the village. And then the noise stopped. Eventually curiosity got the better of me and I looked outside. Standing in the middle of the village was the biggest giant I had ever seen. Actually it was the only giant I have ever seen, but he was over twenty feet tall. Standing right in front of the giant was all three feet of Enalo. I quickly realized that somehow the giant and Enalo new each other. I slowly adventured out, as did most of the rest of our group. It seems that when Enalo and Trot went fishing in Stormreach they met Rumbler Thunderhead. It seems they had a lot in common and spent most of that day talking and having a good time together. Now several hundred miles south of Stormreach he happened across us. Enalo explained our situation and the plight of the villagers. We asked Rumbler is he would help us dig our pit trap. With my estimations, Rumbler would cut three to four days off our total time. We found a spot where the trail narrows and from the direction the t-rex came from and began digging. Rumbler cast a rainstorm over the ground to soften the soil and then began to dig huge piles of dirt out of the pit. After about half a day I recalculated the amount work we had done with what we had left and I figured we’d be done in two day total. We worked on into the evening until it grew to dark to continue working. The villagers, pleased with our work, put on another barbeque for their new friends. Rumbler even pulled out his lute and began playing for the halflings and our group. All was well in the world, we had good food, music and drink. Off in the distance we began hearing the sounds of something large crushing tree in the forest coming our way. Rumbler stood up and said he thought he could see something moving through the trees off in the distance. We didn’t have long before it was upon us. I choose to run towards the forest and a little off the direction of the noise in hopes it would run past and I could attack it from behind. Argent and Rumbler stood their ground in the middle of the clearing. Enalo, Trot, Errig, Otho and Prechrysler stood a short ways behind the two main warriors. The halflings grabbed their family members ran into their houses and hid. A few seconds later a huge two-headed tyrannosaurus rex emerged from the forest. The first thing it did is charge right at Rumbler and Argent. They exchanged blows. Rumbler smashed the dinosaur with his club for a tremendous amount of damage that would of killed almost any other creature I have ever seen, but the dinosaur took the hit and bit Rumbler. It was both a fast and ferocious fight. The whole battle lasted about 30 seconds. I tried to get into combat, but was to far away to get very close. Rumbler almost single handedly killed the monstrosity with some help from Argent. The villagers were ecstatic. They came pouring out of the houses and began cutting the t-rex into sections of meat that will feed the village for a long time to come. Enalo used his healing spells to heal his friend, Rumbler. All in all it was a very successful battle. We killed the t-rex and no one was seriously injured. After all the commotion we decided it was time to get some sleep. The halflings agreed to guide us to the ruins since they knew where the ruins are located.
In the morning Rumbler bid all farewell and headed for the mountains. Each of the members of our party was given a t-rex dagger and was made honorary members of the Black Hunters Tribe. Our new halfling guide was called Eiko. He headed off into the jungle with us, heading for the Ruins of Al-Anria. During the morning of the first day we were attack by some creatures that can best described as fire worms. Six of these creatures jumped out of some rocks and began attacking us. The heat coming of these creatures was intents. Trot was taking burn damage for attacking these monsters. Much to our luck these creatures aren’t the toughest of opponents and we were able to mow through them fairly easily. I myself killed one and helped on a second. The whole trip took far less time than I expected. Because the halflings are native to the land they are almost completely unaffected by the curse. The halfling led us to a huge volcanic field. It must have been over ten miles long and up to a mile wide at places. The most important fact was the ziggurat off in the distance. We had found our destination. Eiko told us he would go no further, we thanked him and he was on his way. We were still about two hours away from the ziggurat. It was a long and hot walk. As we got closer we could see a giant statue on the very top of the ziggurat with a smaller statue in front of it. At the bottom of the ziggurat was another statue. As we got closer we could see it was a cyclops about 10 feet tall. As we got within ten feet of the statue a bolt of energy fired from its eye and struck Argent. Argent immediately felt less physically tough. The rest of us scattered in all directions away from the statue. The group wanted me to get a closer look at the statue and figured I would be safe if I approached from the backside. I agreed reluctantly and snuck up. Before I could react a bolt of energy struck me. I felt physically exhausted and quickly retreated. We decided to leave the statue alone. We climbed all the way to the top of the ziggurat. On the level before the top we found a drow elf body stuck in a secret door. We chose to investigate the top first. The first statue was about twenty feet tall and the second statue was man sized. We found a secret compartment in the man-sized statue, but there was nothing in it. We decided to go through the secret door we found. It led to a ladder. Argent went up the ladder and found five levers. He suggested I go and look at the levers. I looked, but couldn’t find a function. So I bravely pulled the first lever. I heard some grinding. I yelled down to the guys and told them what I discovered. Enalo went outside to look at the statue and one of the arms was in the air. In the mean time I pulled another lever. In the end we discovered the levers moved the arms, legs and head of the huge statue. I also found a hole that I could talk into. This hole amplified my voice and it echoed loudly out of the secret compartment of the little statue. After the statue I investigated the drow body. He wore red clothes, chitin armor, had flame tattoos and worn a collar on his neck. I studied the body in case I needed to assume a drow guise. Heading down the ladder we saw a fire beetle at the bottom of the ladder. Argent threw something at it and chased it off. We entered a large room about 80 feet by 80 feet. The room had three doors two on the west wall and one on the east wall. We choose the northern most door on the west wall. Beyond was a long hallway. We followed the hallway around two turns before we found a door. On the other side of the door was a storeroom of very old rotten supplies. Continuing down the hallway we found another door. Behind this door was a bunch of little fire creatures sitting on crates. We asked them about this place and who lived there. They laughed and told us the drow lived here. We decided to leave them alone and head further down the hall. The last door of the hallway led to a 40x40 room occupied by a large spider-man. Someone said it was called a drider. He was a ferocious fighter, but he only had a dagger in each hand. Argent and the guys beat him down, but they did take a couple of hits. He also had a green gem, 3 sp and the two dagger on his body, so we took them. He walked all the way back to the room with the ladder and went out the other westside door. We followed it until we found the first door. On the other side of the door was a staircase. We passed on the stairs and headed for the next door at the end of the hall. We entered the room and found a dead body with a pouch. In the pouch was 135sp and 40gp. The room had a door heading east. We opened the door and saw what looked like a six-foot tall hornets nest. Flying around the room was 6 bird-like creatures with long mosquito-like proboscises. They flew around us trying to stab us. These creatures are very easily killed, every one of them took one hit and died. Someone said the creatures were called Stirges. We decided to burn the nest in case there were more inside. We set the nest on fire and out came two more, two easy swings and they were dead. In the room there were two doors heading east. We decided it would be best if we went back to the storage room and camped for the night.


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