Monday, February 12, 2007

Session 6 December 26, 2006

Session 6 Off to Xen’drik

“Thermon Gylain” and “Sydney Jackson Pirate Extraordinaire” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-3
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-3
Enalo Endless Shores (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-3
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-3
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-2 Sorcerer-1

For saving the ship, in addition to the treasure the terrorists had, we were all given one free pass on any House Lyrander flying ship to where ever we wanted. We also received the gratitude of the Lord Mayor for saving hundreds of lives. I was also able to go back to the supply room and restock most of the items I lost or had stolen. The ship was scheduled to take off the next day and we were allowed to stay on the ship free of charge, one day early. The leader of hobgoblin terrorists was named Brimestone Brakker and he was wanted in Sharn. The trip took a little of one day to arrive at Stormreach on the northern peninsula of Xen’drik. The city is very old and very run down. Most of the buildings are from the era when giants controlled everything. Only a small section of the town now is occupied and most of these buildings have been converted to human-sized conditions. One of the first things I went looking for after we landed was a place to stay. Everyone came with me with the exception of Enalo and Trot who were more interested in going down to the river and doing whatever it is they do. A man named Jenkins ran the inn we found. Prechrysler began asking around for any information on the Ruins of Al-Anria. I purchased two rooms for the Prechrysler, Argent, Otho and myself (current as Thermon Gylain). I figured Enalo and Trot didn’t need a room, at least I’ve never seen them stay in an inn yet. After dropping off my equipment in my room I headed down and decided to give Prechrysler some help gathering information. Between the two of us we discovered that an old reaver named Red Thorkell, a regular at the bar, was the man who found the ruins and made a quick sketch of them. He use to sit around the bar and tell stories, one of which was about when he stumbled into some ruins finding some symbols on the walls and decided to make a sketch of them. The bad news was he died seven years ago and was buried at Delaria Watch. We also discovered that we were not the first group asking about information about the Al-Anria ruins. Three other adventures were asking most of the same questions. The leader was named Saulcrim a human mage, the second was a shifter rogue called The Jaguar and the third member was a half-giant named Lunk. They had all been in town two days before us. I went down to the docks where we had heard that the other three adventures had gone to see if I could get any information. On my way I decided to pick up a pirate outfit and assume the disguise of Sydney Jackson Pirate Extraordinaire. At the docks on the river I met Surrinek a female shifter who had taken the three adventures up the river to Last Chance. She further explained that they also had a map with direction to Al-Anria. I booked passage with Surrinek and told her to wait for me to get my companions. She told me she would give me twenty-four hours after that she would began accepting other offers. I hurried back to the guys and told them what I had learned. Othokent had gone out to try and hire a local guide to help us reach our destination. We found out that if you don’t have a guide the curse of Xen’drik will affect you. It is the curse that when traveling what will take a local a day to travel might take foreigners up to a week to travel the same distance. He said he had found the top guide, but he was retired and was not interested. We decided to try and find another guide as quick as we could and get to Last Chance and hope we could catch-up with the other group. Before we got too far Otho’s guide came up to us and agreed to take us to Last Chance and to the ruins of Al-Anria if possible, but that he wanted an extra share of the treasure. His name was Errig. Being we didn’t have a lot of choices we accepted the offer and hurried back to Surrinek and got going before it got too late to travel for the day. Apparently Surrinek and Errig knew each other. We travel several hours when we came around a corner and were met by a group of lizardmen standing and swimming in the water. They demanded we surrender and lay down our weapons. Surrinek skillfully guide the boat closer to shore so we could jump off the boat and attack the lizardmen standing in the shallows. Argent in his typical form jumped overboard and rushed headlong into the group of lizardmen. Myself I exited the boat and made for shore downriver and ran up the shore before engaging enemy. Trot on the other hand slid off the boat and swam right at the poor lizardmen who were a ways from the shore. Trot slapped the lizardmen into oblivion with his tail and headed to shore to help us. Argent was in the middle of the lizardmen swinging wildly dropping a couple as I sneakily attacked a couple lizardmen who weren’t paying full attention to me. As Trot reached shore and attacked Enalo cast a spell and we were all able to make another attacks. It was as thought just a second our opponents had dropped their guard. The attacks were all successful and all the remaining lizardmen dropped. We gather up their gear and decided to travel a little further down stream before setting up camp just in case there were more lizardmen nearby. Just after sunset we had to stop for the night and make camp. We found a beach and set up the watch order and went to sleep. Sometime later I was awaken by Argent. I’m grad he doesn’t have to sleep. There was something large coming through jungle towards us. When it got close enough for us to see I still wasn’t sure what is was we were looking at. It looked like a scorpion except that it was all metal. The scorpion charged up to us and grabbed Surrinek with its claws slicing her two while stabbing her with its tail. The tail seemed to be filled with acid. There was no doubt that Surrinek was dead and we were probably not far behind. Argent bravely, or foolishly, rushed forward and attacked. I moved forward as well and discovered the armor on the scorpion was not just metal, but adamantine. Luckily the new rapier I got from the terrorist was also adamantine. Argent was inflicting a tremendous amount of damage, but was taking almost as much back. I was the only other attack next to the scorpion if I had been inflicting any more damage the scorpion might have attacked me once and I surely would have died. The only thing that saved Argent was the fact that Prechrysler, Otho and Enalo were all casting healing spell on Argent. We were successful, but we had lost our river guide. Errig took it very hard. Several of us help him dig a grave and bury the body. In the morning Errig took over the duties of pushing us up the river towards our destination.


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