Session 5 December 19, 2006
Session 5 Sharn
“Thermon Gylain” and “Brine Brakker” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-2
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-2
Enalo Endless Shores (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-2
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-2
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-1 Sorcerer-1
Now when I though Passage was a big city I might have misspoken. Sharn is an enormous city, not only is it bigger than Passage it must be at least a mile high at the highest parts. I never could have imagined such a city existed … or so many people. Our first priority was to deliver the message that we had been carrying from Arcanix. As we exited the train a small boy who couldn’t be much older than 10 came running up to us. He said he was waiting for us and that he was to take us to Morgrave University. We asked him how he knew it was us he was looking for. He looked puzzled and said “You’re the only people with a crocodile on the train right?” He had us there, that fit our description. Good thing he knew where he was going because I would have gotten lost right away. One thing I noticed as you climb higher in the buildings everything around you gets better. As you climb buildings are nicer and the people dress better, they just look like they have more money. The boy told us his name is Tad and that he grew up in the city. That would explain how he new where to turn and which set of stairs to take. Good thing I’m not afraid of heights. The rails are only three to four feet tall and if you fell you would fall for several hundred feet if you landed on a walkway and further if you missed all the walkway altogether.
Morgrave University is by far the nicest area I have seen in all of Sharn. We followed Tad into the main tower and on into the lecture hall. He met with a ranking scholar of Morgrave University. We presented him the letter we had been carrying. He opened it and readed it. He looked back to us and sayed “Thank you, you’re the third message we have received”. He gave us the 40 gp we were promised. We asked what news of the war. He told us that it appears the southern half of Andrain was lost and that Karnath was now helping. Argent told us later that the leaders of Karnath are not the kind of people to just volunteer to help they must be getting something out of the deal. Prechrysler presented his letter of recommendation for admission into Morgrave University. The man looked it over and told him that he would need to do them a favor to prove his worthiness. The mission was to travel to Xen’drik and explore some ruins called Al-Anria and find some runes. Some time ago someone made a quick sketch of the ruins and they would like some high quality copies to study. Further any ancient artifacts of interest Prechrysler finds they would be willing to buy them from him or he could keep them for himself. Prechrysler accepted and was given a whistle. The whistle when blown would summon the academic scribes to arrive and begin transcribing the ancient runes. We were told the whistle will only work one time so make sure that we have the correct location before activating the whistle. They would book passage on an air ship to fly us over to Xen’drik and further help us by supplying us with some basic adventuring gear and identify some of our magical items. Several of us went with the man to their supply area. We acquired some silk rope, flasks of oil, flint and tinder and lots of trails rations. Some of the wizards identified the sword as a weapon with a slight increase to hit and damage (+1), but with more powers that are currently inactive and unidentifiable. They identified the three potions as two cure light wounds and a potion of spider climb.
I myself also had my mission to complete. Gil Winters the warrior who gave up his life to save the queen and in a round about way save our lives by sacrificing his own. I had to seek out his sister-in-law. I asked around and was finally given direction to her house. Being that Argent has and will be in the future using the “Sword of Winters” I decided it would be best if he came along, one to bring the sword just in case she wanted the sword back even after we tell the story, and two it would be nice to have a little muscle in case we get into trouble. We travel halfway across Sharn into a nice neighborhood, not great, but nice. We found the house and knocked on the door. An older woman answered. I introduce Argent and myself and explain we are friends of Gil. She invited us into her house. We proceed to tell her our story or how we met Gil and the event the lead up to his death. I then produce the letter that he asked me to deliver and explained about his offer of the sword to deliver the letter. She said, “He must have trusted you greatly to give you the Sword of Winters”. She opened the letter and began to tear up. Sensing this was a good time to leave we left the house receiving a tear-filled “thank you” on the way out the door.
We decided to head back to Morgrave University where we left the other guys since we still had several hours before our air ship began boarding and the launch party began. I also decided to buy myself a nice tuxedo and jacket. It was at this time that I realized that I had been robbed and my belt pouch with all my money, a flask of oil, flint and steel, and most importantly my masterwork thieves tools. Luckily, the thief missed the belt pouch of holding that contained the party’s funds my potion of healing, all my extra cloths and a couple of extra weapons. I excused myself from Argent and went on a search for a new set of masterwork thieves tool. It took a while, but I seem to have a natural talent to find information or the kinds of people who sell hard to find items, in this case masterwork thieves tools. I had to use the party funds to buy my thieves tool and my nice new tuxedo and jacket. By the time I got my stuff together the launch party had begun. I hurried on board and met up with my friends.
The ship we were on was on its maiden voyage. The ship was called the Golden Dragon and it was huge. I asked around and found out the Lord Mayor Carthen Dremal was on board with a small contingent. The Captain was a man named Alistar. It was rumored that he had lot several ships in his lifetime as a captain. The second in command was a Mandani half-elf. The cook was an angry halfling and there was a huge half-orc that had some kind of title. I myself found the wines and began sampling some of the finer vintages the ship was pouring this night. I began talking with some of the passengers along with Prechrysler when we heard a noise from below deck. Prechrysler and I decided to see what the hell was going on. We went of the stairs heading down and looked down. The minotaur workers were running around in a panic away from a box we had seen them loading earlier. All we could see coming from the box was a huge scorpion-like claw beginning to break out of the box. We decided it was time for us to get out of the way and get back on deck. Up on the deck about a dozen hobgoblins began running around in a hurry. The biggest hobgoblin was the one who spoke up. “Everyone to the front of the ship, we are now in charge here, if you do what we say then no one gets hurt.” The huge crowd of about a hundred people squeezed in the front of the ship. The hobgoblins seemed well armed and organized. The leader was a huge hulking hobgoblin with his hair in long dread that seemed to be smoking. He gave the other hobgoblins instructions to watch us and then he headed back down into the ship. I went around the group of hostages and found out who had or could wield a weapon if we decided to try and over through the hobgoblins. In the end there were about 6 to 8 bodyguards and guests who were proficient with weapons. The hobgoblins themselves began to appear agitated and distressed. I approached one of them and ask what was going on. He said they were holding us hostage for 200,000 gp or they would blow up the ship. I could tell something was wrong so I pressed the hobgoblin about his boss and that maybe he should leave him and that maybe he should make a run for it. He almost seemed convinced when one of his superiors yelled at him to get me back with the group. A talked to our group and explained that the hobgoblins were nervous about something and we had about six to eight other who will help us fight for freedom. I passed the word that when the warforged (Argent) made his move that all of us should attack and try and get everyone off the ship. We waited several minutes and when the hobgoblins weren’t paying much attention to us Argent and the rest of us attacked. The eight hobgoblins when down with out much of a fight and we got the civilians of the ship. Just as we got everyone to safety the Lord Mayor turned to me and mentioned that if a bomb went off on the ship it would kill hundreds of people as it fell down crashing into and on top of several buildings. He said he would go and get the cities elite guards and asked if we could stop or slow down the terrorists until the guards got there. He went back to the ship. I decided it was time I revealed that I was a changeling. I took the clothing from one of the hobgoblins and assumed his form. I explained that I would go down and try and bring a couple of the minotaurs or hobgoblins back up with me and that they should be ready to ambush them. I reminded them to not attack me and to get a good look at me so as not to be mistaken. I headed down into the ship. I saw the crate on the floor busted open and whatever was in it was gone. I could hear some kind of commotion coming from further down. I pushed on further down into the ship down another staircase. At the bottom of the staircase and through a door was the group of minotaurs attacking a huge warforged with the claw I had seen before. Behind the warforged was a man doing something behind some pipes. Just inside the room was the hobgoblin leader. I approached him and told him we were having problems with the prisoners. He looked at me and said “I don’t care, get in their and stop him.” I decided it would be best if I got the hell out of there. So I told him “I’ll go and get some help”. I took off and headed back up topside and told the guys what I had seen. We all decided to go down and try and take out this threat. We went down the top sets of stairs and looked into the room. Since the last time I was in the room the warforged had killed two more minotaurs and there were only two left. We first attacked the hobgoblin and took him out just as the warforged took out the last two minotaurs. Otho cast grease on the man in the corner trying to slow him down. The warforged charged Argent and the battle was on. I got myself into a bad position stuck in a small area with Argent and the clawed warforged. The battle was intents and if the minotaurs hadn’t done so much damage to the warforged we would have all been killed. Argent was able to defeat the warforged with the help of most of us. Prechrysler was able to distract the man from what he was doing and engage him in combat. Trot was also able to fit under the pipes and attack the man as well. The combined efforts took the man down relatively quickly. Prechrysler and myself inspected the panel that the man was doing something with and we found the bomb. The counter was down to one minute. Both Prechrysler and myself told everyone to run as we investigated the trap further. Prechrysler thought he had a good idea on how it worked and I did my best to disarm it. After what I thought would be good enough to disarm the trap I found all I did was add another 36 second back onto the clock. Prechrysler thought that we could possible pull the bomb off the wall and put it into the containment field of the water elemental next to us. The explosion might be lessened and the ship might not be destroyed. He told me to make a run for it. Just as I turned to run I had a thought. I ran back to Prechrysler just as he pulled the bomb off the wall. I told him to stick it into the pouch of holding. He put the bomb into the bag and I shoved the bag into the containment field and we both took off running. My main fear is if the bomb went off the elder water elemental would be set free and we had no way of defeating the water elemental. We both heard a pop sound behind us and didn’t stop running until we were past the crowd we had freed. The guards arrived a few rounds later and we all decided to investigate if the elemental was free. We went down to the room and the containment field was still intact, but the pouch of holding was gone and with it my potion, all the groups money and all my cloths including my new 10 gp tux and jacket.
“Thermon Gylain” and “Brine Brakker” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-2
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-2
Enalo Endless Shores (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-2
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-2
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-1 Sorcerer-1
Now when I though Passage was a big city I might have misspoken. Sharn is an enormous city, not only is it bigger than Passage it must be at least a mile high at the highest parts. I never could have imagined such a city existed … or so many people. Our first priority was to deliver the message that we had been carrying from Arcanix. As we exited the train a small boy who couldn’t be much older than 10 came running up to us. He said he was waiting for us and that he was to take us to Morgrave University. We asked him how he knew it was us he was looking for. He looked puzzled and said “You’re the only people with a crocodile on the train right?” He had us there, that fit our description. Good thing he knew where he was going because I would have gotten lost right away. One thing I noticed as you climb higher in the buildings everything around you gets better. As you climb buildings are nicer and the people dress better, they just look like they have more money. The boy told us his name is Tad and that he grew up in the city. That would explain how he new where to turn and which set of stairs to take. Good thing I’m not afraid of heights. The rails are only three to four feet tall and if you fell you would fall for several hundred feet if you landed on a walkway and further if you missed all the walkway altogether.
Morgrave University is by far the nicest area I have seen in all of Sharn. We followed Tad into the main tower and on into the lecture hall. He met with a ranking scholar of Morgrave University. We presented him the letter we had been carrying. He opened it and readed it. He looked back to us and sayed “Thank you, you’re the third message we have received”. He gave us the 40 gp we were promised. We asked what news of the war. He told us that it appears the southern half of Andrain was lost and that Karnath was now helping. Argent told us later that the leaders of Karnath are not the kind of people to just volunteer to help they must be getting something out of the deal. Prechrysler presented his letter of recommendation for admission into Morgrave University. The man looked it over and told him that he would need to do them a favor to prove his worthiness. The mission was to travel to Xen’drik and explore some ruins called Al-Anria and find some runes. Some time ago someone made a quick sketch of the ruins and they would like some high quality copies to study. Further any ancient artifacts of interest Prechrysler finds they would be willing to buy them from him or he could keep them for himself. Prechrysler accepted and was given a whistle. The whistle when blown would summon the academic scribes to arrive and begin transcribing the ancient runes. We were told the whistle will only work one time so make sure that we have the correct location before activating the whistle. They would book passage on an air ship to fly us over to Xen’drik and further help us by supplying us with some basic adventuring gear and identify some of our magical items. Several of us went with the man to their supply area. We acquired some silk rope, flasks of oil, flint and tinder and lots of trails rations. Some of the wizards identified the sword as a weapon with a slight increase to hit and damage (+1), but with more powers that are currently inactive and unidentifiable. They identified the three potions as two cure light wounds and a potion of spider climb.
I myself also had my mission to complete. Gil Winters the warrior who gave up his life to save the queen and in a round about way save our lives by sacrificing his own. I had to seek out his sister-in-law. I asked around and was finally given direction to her house. Being that Argent has and will be in the future using the “Sword of Winters” I decided it would be best if he came along, one to bring the sword just in case she wanted the sword back even after we tell the story, and two it would be nice to have a little muscle in case we get into trouble. We travel halfway across Sharn into a nice neighborhood, not great, but nice. We found the house and knocked on the door. An older woman answered. I introduce Argent and myself and explain we are friends of Gil. She invited us into her house. We proceed to tell her our story or how we met Gil and the event the lead up to his death. I then produce the letter that he asked me to deliver and explained about his offer of the sword to deliver the letter. She said, “He must have trusted you greatly to give you the Sword of Winters”. She opened the letter and began to tear up. Sensing this was a good time to leave we left the house receiving a tear-filled “thank you” on the way out the door.
We decided to head back to Morgrave University where we left the other guys since we still had several hours before our air ship began boarding and the launch party began. I also decided to buy myself a nice tuxedo and jacket. It was at this time that I realized that I had been robbed and my belt pouch with all my money, a flask of oil, flint and steel, and most importantly my masterwork thieves tools. Luckily, the thief missed the belt pouch of holding that contained the party’s funds my potion of healing, all my extra cloths and a couple of extra weapons. I excused myself from Argent and went on a search for a new set of masterwork thieves tool. It took a while, but I seem to have a natural talent to find information or the kinds of people who sell hard to find items, in this case masterwork thieves tools. I had to use the party funds to buy my thieves tool and my nice new tuxedo and jacket. By the time I got my stuff together the launch party had begun. I hurried on board and met up with my friends.
The ship we were on was on its maiden voyage. The ship was called the Golden Dragon and it was huge. I asked around and found out the Lord Mayor Carthen Dremal was on board with a small contingent. The Captain was a man named Alistar. It was rumored that he had lot several ships in his lifetime as a captain. The second in command was a Mandani half-elf. The cook was an angry halfling and there was a huge half-orc that had some kind of title. I myself found the wines and began sampling some of the finer vintages the ship was pouring this night. I began talking with some of the passengers along with Prechrysler when we heard a noise from below deck. Prechrysler and I decided to see what the hell was going on. We went of the stairs heading down and looked down. The minotaur workers were running around in a panic away from a box we had seen them loading earlier. All we could see coming from the box was a huge scorpion-like claw beginning to break out of the box. We decided it was time for us to get out of the way and get back on deck. Up on the deck about a dozen hobgoblins began running around in a hurry. The biggest hobgoblin was the one who spoke up. “Everyone to the front of the ship, we are now in charge here, if you do what we say then no one gets hurt.” The huge crowd of about a hundred people squeezed in the front of the ship. The hobgoblins seemed well armed and organized. The leader was a huge hulking hobgoblin with his hair in long dread that seemed to be smoking. He gave the other hobgoblins instructions to watch us and then he headed back down into the ship. I went around the group of hostages and found out who had or could wield a weapon if we decided to try and over through the hobgoblins. In the end there were about 6 to 8 bodyguards and guests who were proficient with weapons. The hobgoblins themselves began to appear agitated and distressed. I approached one of them and ask what was going on. He said they were holding us hostage for 200,000 gp or they would blow up the ship. I could tell something was wrong so I pressed the hobgoblin about his boss and that maybe he should leave him and that maybe he should make a run for it. He almost seemed convinced when one of his superiors yelled at him to get me back with the group. A talked to our group and explained that the hobgoblins were nervous about something and we had about six to eight other who will help us fight for freedom. I passed the word that when the warforged (Argent) made his move that all of us should attack and try and get everyone off the ship. We waited several minutes and when the hobgoblins weren’t paying much attention to us Argent and the rest of us attacked. The eight hobgoblins when down with out much of a fight and we got the civilians of the ship. Just as we got everyone to safety the Lord Mayor turned to me and mentioned that if a bomb went off on the ship it would kill hundreds of people as it fell down crashing into and on top of several buildings. He said he would go and get the cities elite guards and asked if we could stop or slow down the terrorists until the guards got there. He went back to the ship. I decided it was time I revealed that I was a changeling. I took the clothing from one of the hobgoblins and assumed his form. I explained that I would go down and try and bring a couple of the minotaurs or hobgoblins back up with me and that they should be ready to ambush them. I reminded them to not attack me and to get a good look at me so as not to be mistaken. I headed down into the ship. I saw the crate on the floor busted open and whatever was in it was gone. I could hear some kind of commotion coming from further down. I pushed on further down into the ship down another staircase. At the bottom of the staircase and through a door was the group of minotaurs attacking a huge warforged with the claw I had seen before. Behind the warforged was a man doing something behind some pipes. Just inside the room was the hobgoblin leader. I approached him and told him we were having problems with the prisoners. He looked at me and said “I don’t care, get in their and stop him.” I decided it would be best if I got the hell out of there. So I told him “I’ll go and get some help”. I took off and headed back up topside and told the guys what I had seen. We all decided to go down and try and take out this threat. We went down the top sets of stairs and looked into the room. Since the last time I was in the room the warforged had killed two more minotaurs and there were only two left. We first attacked the hobgoblin and took him out just as the warforged took out the last two minotaurs. Otho cast grease on the man in the corner trying to slow him down. The warforged charged Argent and the battle was on. I got myself into a bad position stuck in a small area with Argent and the clawed warforged. The battle was intents and if the minotaurs hadn’t done so much damage to the warforged we would have all been killed. Argent was able to defeat the warforged with the help of most of us. Prechrysler was able to distract the man from what he was doing and engage him in combat. Trot was also able to fit under the pipes and attack the man as well. The combined efforts took the man down relatively quickly. Prechrysler and myself inspected the panel that the man was doing something with and we found the bomb. The counter was down to one minute. Both Prechrysler and myself told everyone to run as we investigated the trap further. Prechrysler thought he had a good idea on how it worked and I did my best to disarm it. After what I thought would be good enough to disarm the trap I found all I did was add another 36 second back onto the clock. Prechrysler thought that we could possible pull the bomb off the wall and put it into the containment field of the water elemental next to us. The explosion might be lessened and the ship might not be destroyed. He told me to make a run for it. Just as I turned to run I had a thought. I ran back to Prechrysler just as he pulled the bomb off the wall. I told him to stick it into the pouch of holding. He put the bomb into the bag and I shoved the bag into the containment field and we both took off running. My main fear is if the bomb went off the elder water elemental would be set free and we had no way of defeating the water elemental. We both heard a pop sound behind us and didn’t stop running until we were past the crowd we had freed. The guards arrived a few rounds later and we all decided to investigate if the elemental was free. We went down to the room and the containment field was still intact, but the pouch of holding was gone and with it my potion, all the groups money and all my cloths including my new 10 gp tux and jacket.
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