Session 1 November 21, 2006
The breakfast this morning is best left undescribed. The atmosphere of the people is different today. They seem happy and spirited I was even greeted by several people. What a difference since yesterday.I found out why everyone is so happy the King and Queen are visiting Passage and there is going to be a parade through the town. I found out the parade is going to go right by Cameron’s and with the large amount of people now on the streets I’m going to stay by the inn until the people disperse. I have never see so many people in all my life and all the different races is amazing. Today I saw a shifter and a couple of warforged they are an impressive sight.I decided it would be even better to sit in the tavern away from all the people until the procession comes by. In the inn is a strange sight, a small green goblin with a pet crocodile. I think I will stay away from the crocodile it doesn’t look very friendly.Something horrible happened, the guards began running all over the place and telling everyone to go home or inside. It seems the town is in a lockdown. I went outside and asked one of the guards what was going on and he told me someone had assassinated the King and the town was in a lockdown until further notice. I persuaded the guard to tell me how the King had died he said someone had used magic and poisoned the King. I asked a couple of other official looking people about what happened to the King and I was told he was stabbed and another had said a polymorphed dragon had killed him. The only thing I learned was that the King was dead and no one knew anything.Inside the inn is quite an assortment of people. There is the goblin and his crocodile, a small kobold, a huge warforged, Cameron the innkeeper and myself. The Kobold is a bard of sorts and asked to play some music. His music is not bad, but he has a high-pitched voice. The warforged seems to be more human than the other I have seen. I think this is because unlike the other warforged I saw he is wearing real armor. The goblin sitting in the corner spent most of his time taking care of his “pet” crocodile. The goblin himself is really quiet and has big fish lips.Sitting around listening to the bard sing and having had a few glasses of wine I was feeling very relaxed. From outside we all heard a real loud explosion. We all headed for the door to see what made the noise. Looking towards the gate of the city we saw that the gate was gone and in it place was pieces of twisted metal and wood and lots of brown robed warriors running through the gate. These warriors were attacking the guards and any pedestrians that had come out to see what had made the noise. Cameron kept saying to himself “It can’t be they are on the other side of the world”. Behind the warriors in brown robes were spellcasters in red robes launching spells at anyone the brown-robed warriors had left alive. I suggested we should all move indoor and try and set up some kind of defense against the attackers. Everyone quickly moved indoors. Cameron spoke up next and said, “We need to get out of here, come with me I know a way out.”Cameron led us into the basement and out a hidden door into the sewers. We ran along the edge of the sewers following Cameron. When asked, “Where are we going?” He would respond, “I know of a safe place.” As we hurried along some of us heard a scuttling sound coming from in front of us. Someone, the goblin I think, said it sounds like rats. I pulled out some of the oil I had and began preparing flaming oil bombs. The warforged stepped out and moved forward and the green goblin ordered his crocodile forward to attack. I thought I heard the goblin call him Trot. Into our light came a swamp of rats. They were running and swimming to get to us. The warforged and Trot began attacking the swarm. I moved to the back and prepared another oil bomb. The kobold and the goblin stood behind Cameron, Trot and the warforged. The warforged is an incredible fighter. He must have been a terrible force on the battlefield during the great war. Cameron is also a very good warrior as is the crocodile who was smashing the rats with powerful tail sweeps. The battle only last about half a minute, but it appeared the warforged might have been damaged it’s hard to tell with him. Cameron suggested we move on I heard him ask the warforged his name, he responded “Argent”. We moved a little quicker now incase there was more rats back there. This time the sound we heard was different. What ever it was, it was bigger. Cameron, Argent and Trot all moved forward and formed a line. This time it was a crocodile. The three warriors all attacked the large crocodile and made short work of the creature. This time I know Trot was bitten, but I saw his master utter a spell and heal Trot. I also him mutter that it was a female crocodile and was probably in season. How he can tell I have no idea, but he definitely seems to know his crocodiles.After like an hour and what must have been half the city we wandered into a large 60 feet circular room. There was a flurry of activity it appeared that a small gnome was giving directions. I decided that it might be a good idea to give a report of what we had seen. I approached the gnome and introduced myself as Thermon Gylain and described the scene at the gate we had seen. He listened and thanked me then asked me to tell my friends and me to stay out of the way. I went back to the group told them what the gnome had said. We then introduced ourselves to each other. The goblins name is Enalo Endless Shores from somewhere I had never heard of. The kobolds name is Othokent Kethend, but he goes by Otho, again from somewhere I had never heard of and the warforge’s name is Argent. I introduced myself as Thermon Gylain from Vintage. I wasn’t ready to tell them I was a changeling.We were told that the gnome that is in charge is the Chancellor and that the leaders are arguing as to what to do. One group wants to send a group of guards to Arcanix to alert them of the attack and have them send reinforcements. The other group said they need the guards to protect the queen and get her to safety. The groups were arguing when a older man entered the room and calmly said “I’ll take the civilians and head to Arcanix and have them send reinforcements.” The man is definitely a warrior he has several very nasty scars and there is an air about him, he was probably in leader in the military. The warrior’s name is Gill. He told them he will take the four of us since Cameron is not going with us under any circumstance. He is also going to take along a guide named Lydia. Within ten minutes we grabbed our stuff and out the door we went. Gill knew the sewers well enough to get us to the far end of the city were we came to a locked grate. I explained that I’m pretty good with locks and might be able to unlock the grate. It was an easy lock, I decided to lift the grate and see outside. I spotted two of the brown robed warriors, we were told they were Valanar Elves. I snuck back down and told everyone that their were two elves just of to the side of the grate. Gill and Argent stood ready followed by Trot and Enalo with me and Otho in the back. Gill and Argent rushed out and surprised the elves with mighty attacks. These elves were tough. They took the attack and reacted quickly with attacks of their own. Gill was cut a couple of times and Argent took at least one hit as well. Thanks to the surprise attack and several good hits after the two warriors fell and it looked as though no other elves heard the attack. We quickly gathered their weapons and hid the bodies in the sewer and made our way out of town.As we traveled Gill began to look as though he was sick or something. We inspected the blades and found the double scimitars were covered with a sticky film. We guessed that it was a poison and that Gill had been poisoned. Neither the guide or any of us had any skills in dealing with poisons so we hope to get to Arcanix as fast as possible. We traveled in the dark until about midnight when we all had to stop for the night, except for the warforged it seems as though they don’t sleep. As we made camp Gill called me over to talk to him. He was very sick and I think he knew he probably wasn’t going to make it. He asked me to do a favor for him. His brother Duncan was a high-ranking officer in the Aundair military. He was killed in combat during the great war. He left behind a wife named Lukresha who lived in Sharn. He wanted me to deliver a personal letter to her and if I did this task Gill would give me the sword he wore on his belt. He told me if I succeeded that the sword would be a powerful weapon. I accepted the request and took the letter. I hoped he would make it to Arcanix and I could give it back to him but he looked terrible. We set up watch for the night I took the last watch and was happy to get some sleep. It’s true the warforged doesn’t need sleep and doesn’t want anyone else to get any sleep either. He pounded and worked his armor (body) all night. Luckily I was so tired I fell asleep even with all the racket he was making.Sometime during the night I was awaken by a people yelling that we were under attack. Several wolves had charged into the camp and were attacking us. I grabbed my weapon and moved towards Argent. Argent was making short work of one wolf and Trot had tail whipped another into unconsciousness. I made a feeble attack on one and missed wildly. We were just about to finish the last one off when three more attacked from behind us. Otho and Enalo each had one on them and third had me in its sights. Luckily as I was close to Argent I defended myself long enough for him to slash the wolf to ribbons and move on to the next one. Trot, he can move pretty fast when he wants, rushed over to help his master Enalo out. I don’t think he was injured but I might have missed it. Trot and Argent hacked down the last two wolves. Looking around I saw everyone was okay but that Gill never woke up during the battle. When I went over to see if he was okay I realized he had succumb to the poison and died during the night. Since there was nothing we would do for him now we covered him up and tried going back to sleep. Sometime later Otho came over and woke me for my watch. It was a cold morning after a very unpleasant night. Thankfully nothing happened during my watch. In the morning after everyone had awakened it was decided we would take the time to bury Gill and then head to Arcanix. It proposed that we take his armor and backpack and deliver them to his brothers widow. The kobold insisted a warrior should be buried in his armor. This seemed like a complete waste to me. The armor was probably worth 100 to 125 gold pieces. I’m sure the wife could use the money. The warforged seemed to side with the kobold and the goblin didn’t give a rats ass one way or the other. The guide lucky sided with me and we buried him without his armor. Although it was my responsibility to carry the armor all the way to Sharn.
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