Monday, January 01, 2007

My wanderings to the big city

I got up early this morning and grabbed my backpack I had packed last night with everything I owned that I could carry and left Vintage just before sunrise. As I reached the hills to the northwest I looked back to the only home I could remember. From on top of the hill I could see light from candles from a few of the cottage windows as the early risers were just starting to get up. I turned and began my walk to Passage. I’m not too sure how far it is to Passage, but I’m guessing it will take a couple of days.The first day today was pretty much uneventful, lots of walking in the peaceful hills. I decided to break my wine, bread and cheese into three days worth of meals just in case it take me more than two days to find Passage. I still have lots of water and have come across several streams and have refilled each time. At least one thing has been in my favor, the weather has been nice and the afternoons haven’t been too hot.Just after noon today I found the main road the leads into Passage. Passed a couple of slow moving carts that were heading out of Passage. The farmers seemed nice, but I could sense that they were wary of any trickery. Finally I can see Passage, it’s a lot bigger than I imagined. You could probably fit 100 vintages inside the gates of Passage. I decided last night to assume the visage of Thermon Gylaina, human man with brown hair and brown eyes. He is a very average looking man with no distinguishing features. I also chose to wear my traveler’s outfit. The guards at the gate asked what my business was and I told them to buy supplies and they waved my through. I could tell just by looking at them they were bored of their jobs and didn’t give it much effort.The city is amazing the smells of fresh baked good and the stench of dirty streets make an interesting combination of smells. I spent several hours wandering around the city, getting lost a couple of time. This place is amazing. The people are amazing also. I saw some elves, a couple dwarves, a gnome, a halfling and even an orc! It seems as long as you mind your own business no one bother or even talks to you. The first couple of people I came across I greeted just like I did back home. This apparently upset most people. A couple seemed started and became nervous before greeting my back. One person ran from me. I decided to lose the country bumpkin greeting and go about my own business just like everyone else.I decided to acquire lodging at tavern and inn called Cameron’s Inn & Tavern. The owner is a nice human man in his 50’s he seems very happy go lucky. The food was very average, but they did have a couple of nice wines for a reasonable price. Apparently for 2 cp you can sleep on the floor of the tavern after he closes up. This will save me a lot of money, of which I don’t have very much.


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