Monday, July 30, 2007



We gathered up and discussed our options for getting off the island. None of us had any teleportation or gate spells. In the end Enalo came up with the idea we decided to try. The next morning he would summon another djinni. The djinni could cast the plane shift spell and we could travel to another plane then immediately cast another plane shift spell and land us as close to Sharn as possible. We all agreed that this was the best option. The plane we decided to travel to was the astral plane. I thought there must be a better plane than the astral plane but someone explained that the astral plane was huge and if you were off by anywhere between 5 and 500 miles if wouldn’t matter in the infinite space of the astral plane, it sort of made sense. Enalo cast his summoning spell and explained the situation to the djinni. We all joined hands as the djinni cast the plane shift spell. The Astral Plane is a vast plane of emptiness. I couldn’t see anything around us all I could feel was a wind blowing by us as we continued holding hands. Looking around at each of I thought I could see some kind of silver-like cord sticking out of the back of each persons neck going up in the void above them. I could only see the cords extending at most three maybe four feet before they just sort of disappeared into the nothingness that surrounded us. And then it happened the djinni cast the second plane shift spell. We all appeared on solid ground. That was one of our concerns we could end up inside a mountain or somewhere out in the ocean. Enalo and Argent made a few checks and guessed we were probably somewhere about 80 to 100 miles northeast of Sharn. We figured if we head south long enough we would find the coast and then we could start heading east and we should arrive in Sharn. I didn’t say anything, but I would feel better if we met someone and could ask directions to Sharn. Enalo released the djinni and we began our trek south. Luck must have been with us we only had to travel half a day before we found a road (really little more than a wagon trail heading southeast). We camped that first night in hopes we could reach Sharn the next day by having Enalo summon two djinnis and having them cast Wind Walk on us. In the morning we packed up and Enalo summoned the two djinnis. They cast Wind Walk on the five of us and we became clouds. I felt strange floating around and found it difficult to move around, but once we took off we moved extremely fast. The five of us soared towards the southeast and after two hours we could see Sharn. Twenty minutes later we landed on the upper platforms of the city and became solid again. The first person we sought was Prechrysler. We knew, when last we saw him, that he was a student of Morgave University. It only took thirty minutes to find Prechrysler’s place. He had a small place not to far from the university that he shared with our other former traveling companion Othokent. We spent most of the night celebrating our reunion and telling of our exploits. We also came to the conclusion that our adventuring days had come to an end. We each had different places we all wanted to go. As for myself, I need to go back to Vintage and see my father. Maybe we could put all our problems behind us. Otho and Prechrysler let us stay the night at their place. I figured I spend one more day in Sharn then catch a train back to Passage, buy a horse and ride another day or so back home.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Session 27 June 19, 2007

Session 27 Stranded at Sea
Dungeon Master: {Josh)

The Players:
Sarai Stewart aka “Arch-Mage Tyrrick” and “Sydney Jackson Pirate Extraordinaire” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-8, Wizard-1, Master of Masks-4
Enalo Endless Shores and Arturo the Dire Bear (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-13
Specere Tredecim (Jeff) Synad Psionic Warrior-4, Crusader-9
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-12

Ann the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Trot the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-5 [Retired]
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-4 Sorcerer-1 [Retired]

Just as I predicted the fire elemental was looking for something to destroy and it spotted us floating just above the water. Argent set Captain Ole and First Mate Zoë on a large piece of what was left of the ship. I continued to sit on top of Arturo as Enalo the ethereal dragon pushed Arturo towards the island. Specere remained in his gaseous form floating near Enalo and me. That’s where we were when the fire elemental charged our group from far above us. Argent charged the elemental before it reached the rest of us. His attack must have unbalanced the fire elemental as it missed its return attack. Enalo continued to push Arturo towards the island. I used my Ray of Ice spell on the elemental figuring it might do extra damage to a fire creature. Argent attacked the elemental with two successful attacks as the elemental attempted to grab hold of Argent. The rest of us left Argent to fight the battle on his own. Argent attacked the elemental hitting the elemental twice as the elemental attacked back just as Argent blinked causing the elemental to miss. Meanwhile the rest of us arrived at the island. Enalo dropped us off and changed into an Amethyst Dragon and started back to help out Argent. Argent next attack was a disrupting blow that stunned the elemental. Enalo continued to fly as fast as he could to get back to Argent. Specere began his transformation from a mist back to a Synad. Argent next attack hit the elemental twice as the elemental attempted another grapple just as Argent blinked again causing the elemental to miss. Enalo continued to fly back to the battle as Argent struck the elemental with another attack. Unfortunately the elemental grabbed hold of Argent burning him as it held him. Enalo was nearly back to the battle as Argent attacked with his spiked shield and killing the elemental. Argent next flew down to Captain Ole and First Mate Zoë and carried them back to the island.
Inspecting the island we saw a huge hole in the side of what looked like a volcano. Argent and Enalo flew Specere and myself up to the opening. We walked down the circular tunnel for several hundred feet until we came to a large cavern with a lake at the far end. Searching the cavern we didn’t find any evidence of a dragon. Down in the water though we found an underwater cave. Specere changed back into a gas and scouted out ahead to see what he could find. When he came back he told us the dragon is invisible at the end of the tunnel in a smaller cavern with lots of treasure. We decided to send Specere ahead and as he is just about to finish his transformation we will climb out of the water and begin out attacks. Our timing was close. Specere transformed first and guessed where he thought the dragon was made his attack and found only air. The rest of us used a celestial dolphin to transport us to the battle and emerged from the water just in time to take a blast of acid breath from the huge dragon. Arturo, Argent and Enalo took the brunt of the blast as I evaded the attack. Just to our left was some kind of gaseous cloud released by the dragon that looked dangerous. Specere immediately began directing us to about where the dragon was in the cavern. I launched a fireball in the general direction of the dragon as Argent charged the dragon. Enalo cast dispel magic on the dragon and dispelled the invisibility. Arturo moved in closer for his next attack. Specere now knowing where the dragon was at let loose with his full attack for a lot of damage. The dragon turned its head and breathed on Argent and myself. Argent took the full blast, as I was able to dodge the acid. I chose to try and cast magic missile at the dragon, but the spell fizzled. Argent made a powerful attack immediately followed by Enalo using his own breath weapon on the dragon. The next to act was Specere who made the greatest attack I had ever seen him make. The dragon reacted strongly to the attack and offered to surrender. All the dragon asked for in return was to keep it egg. The dragon said we would be allowed to take all the treasure. We discussed it briefly as the dragon moved over to a spot in the cave and began digging up its egg. I didn’t care wither way, if someone felt strongly enough and wanted to kill the dragon I wouldn’t stop them. I was not going to kill the dragon myself. Specere agreed with me. Argent didn’t mind letting the dragon live since it was a defeat opponent and therefore didn’t matter anymore to him. Enalo, who I thought might want the dragon dead, was indifferent and didn’t care either way. I approached the dragon and laid down the terms of the surrender. First I told the dragon, you will not attack any airships that fly over your island. If you do we will come back and finish the job we started. Second we want your true name. The dragon agreed and told us her true name is Abraxsus. The dragon took her egg and left the cavern. We gather up the treasure and headed back to Ole and Zoë. Once we were outside the dragon was gone. Our next task is to figure out how to get off this island and get back to civilization.

[Tyrrick summons a celestial dolphin to drag Argent and himself to the battle]
{Specere} He can get there with a dolphin pulling him.
{Argent} He’s pulling his dolphin.

[Specere asking if we were ready to head for the dragon]
{Specere} You guys coming yet?

[Discussing how often a dragon can use its breath weapon]
{Tyrrick} He has lost his (ass)id.

[Discussing strategy to use against the dragon]
{Tyrrick} Kill first, speak with dead later.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Session 26 June 12, 2007

Session 26 Good Bye Xen’drik
Dungeon Master: {Josh)

The Players:
Sarai Stewart aka “Arch-Mage Tyrrick” and “Sydney Jackson Pirate Extraordinaire” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-8, Wizard-1, Master of Masks-4
Enalo Endless Shores and Arturo the Dire Bear (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-13
Specere Tredecim (Jeff) Synad Psionic Warrior-4, Crusader-9
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-12 [Resurrected]

Ann the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Trot the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-5 [Retired]
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-4 Sorcerer-1 [Retired]

Grabbing 25000 in gold pieces and gems we headed down to the temple and paid to have Argent resurrected. I then spend most of the next week identifying the treasure we had collected over the last week. It was nice to relax and unwind from the constant drow and fire giant battles that had threatened our lives. By the end of the week we had sold most of our extra gear and claimed the items out of the treasure we each wanted. I took a set of gloves that made more agile and gave me better balance. In addition to the gloves I got a potion of cure moderate wounds, gems, platinum pieces and gold totaling about 10000 gold pieces. At the end of the week our group got back together and discussed our options. One options was, as Under Dean Petty suggested, go back and destroy the device that captured the Valanar elves. I figured there were probably several hundred elves on their way as we spoke to destroy the device for their ancestral spirits. So each of us made our suggestions. Enalo wanted to explore the shores of Xen’drik before heading back; he also introduced us to his large dire bear named Arturo. Argent didn’t care as long as he could fight something along the way. Specere was open to any suggestion since he had never seen the world outside of Xen’drik. My suggestion was to head back to Sharn and possible back to help Aundair recover form the elven invasion. The others agreed with me, so we went to Under Dean Petty and got a free ride back to Sharn. We had just three more days on the accursed island of Xen’drik before our ship left. It couldn’t happen soon enough I didn’t care for my experiences in the ruins of Al-Anria.
On the third day we boarded the airship The Maiden’s Virtue. The ship was nice, but nowhere as nice as The Golden Dragon. Counting us there was a total of 14 people on the ship. The captain was a tall man named Ole and the first mate was a beautiful female named Zoë. The rest of the crew consisted of eight human males. Before I boarded the ship I adopted the persona of Sydney Jackson Pirate Extraordinaire. I figured he might mix in better with the crew. I also went around and detected thought of the crew, captain and first mate. I found the captain to be very intelligent and the crew to be dumb and boring. Zoë was the interesting person. She was up to something and I seemed to have something to do with us. She never seemed to linger on the details so I couldn’t figure out what she had in store for us.
The trip turned out to be uneventful until the night of the third day. The whole ship lurched forward like we hit something. We all got out of our cabins and ran to the deck to see what was going on. The night was well lit by a nearly full moon. As we were standing on the deck we found out what happened. From over the bow of the ship came the biggest dragon I’ve ever seen. Actually the only dragon I had ever seen, but it was bigger than I had ever imagined. The first thing the dragon did was breath a stream of acid across the ship. This acid caught two workers, Arturo and nearly hitting me. The workers died almost immediately, Arturo was wounded but he is a tough bear. Argent drank a potion of fly. I caught the dragon with a scorching ray spell while Enalo, now a ethereal dragon, hit the dragon with his weird looking breath attack. Everyone else seemed to run for cover or try and help clean up the acid damage. Specere, not able to fly, cast circle of protection from evil and helped with acid clean up. Argent charged the dragon that was now at the aft of the ship. I fired a magic missile at the dragon since most of my other spells wouldn’t reach the dragon. Enalo hit the dragon with a spell he called comet fall. It looked like it damaged the dragon. Specere figured since he couldn’t hit the dragon with his weapon he could at least help out by casting Bless. The dragon moved way beneath the ship so I tried hitting him with a fireball. It looked like it hit him and had no effect. Enalo started cast a summoning spell. Everyone else just waited for the dragon to come back around for his next run. In the meantime as he moved closer for his next attack I fired another magic missile at him. Again it looked like it had no effect. Enalo finished his spell and a djinni appeared. The djinni cast a fly spell on Specere, but he had to turn gaseous first before he could fly. Specere came over to me and I gave him my levitation potion. This time the dragon cast a fireball spell hitting several crewmembers including the captain and first mate. The fireball also caught Specere, and Arturo in the blast. I was able to avoid the flames. Once the fire cleared I saw all the crew caught in the blast were dead. Captain Ole ran over to First Mate Zoë and did his best to bandage her unconscious body. I fired another magic missile at the dragon; this one did affect the dragon. The dragon began his second straining run. The acid breath hit Specere and Arturo again. For the third time I dodge the dragons attack. The djinni moved next to the dragon and tried casting plane shift on him, but the spell failed. Enalo used his arc lightning spell and used the djinni as one of the arc points. Both the djinni and Dragon took damage from the spell. Argent charged the dragon again when it got close enough to him unfortunately he missed his attack. As the dragon moved past the ship I hit him with another magic missile spell. Specere next borrowed my rope of climbing incase he had to tie of on the dragon when he tried to land on its back. The dragon had other ideas. He turned and targets the ring of fire around the ship that kept the ship afloat and moving. His acid breath destroyed the ring and the ship began falling towards the ocean really fast as the dragon flew toward what looked like an island. Both Argent and Enalo were already flying. Specere drank the potion of levitation. I ran over to Arturo and cast levitation on the bear. Argent flew down and grabbed the captain and the first mate. Just before the ship crashed into the water I cast my temporary fly spell and landed on the back of Arturo. I was then that I looked up and saw the huge fire elemental that had been powered the ship was now free and did it look angry.


[The running joke is that Argent the warforged is equipped like a Ken Doll.]
{Tyrrick} He has no manhood.
{Argent} Yeah, and I just sold my battlefist.

[Discussing what might be found on the island]
{Tyrrick} A Tarrasque with monk levels.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Session 25 June 5, 2007

Session 25 The Ruins of Al-Anria and the Fire Giant Necromancer
Dungeon Master: {Josh)

The Players:
Sarai Stewart aka “Arch-Mage Tyrrick”, “Inspector Gideon” and “Malice the Unseen” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-7, Wizard-1, Master of Masks-4
Enalo Endless Shores (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-12
Specere Tredecim (Jeff) Synad Psionic Warrior-4, Crusader-8

Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-12 [Dead]
Ann the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Trot the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-5 [Retired]
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-4 Sorcerer-1 [Retired]

We quickly decided that even though we were short Argent’s “sword” we were currently up a celestial lion and a crocodile. Further we didn’t want to give the vampires, we just fought, time to regenerate and return to help their leader. Enalo healed those of us who were wounded and we approached the giant double doors. I searched the door and didn’t find any traps. We decided it would take too long to try and detect thought and we knew there was something on the other side of the door anyways. Specere opened the door and standing in the opening was two huge wyverns. Behind the wyverns was a smallish deformed giant with a floating head next to it. The room itself looked like some kind of observatory with a large viewing lens in the middle of the room. I attacked first by launching a fireball into the room. I figured it wouldn’t damage the fire giant, but the floating head and two wyverns should be affected. Following my spell I stepped to the side just out of the fire giants sight. The fire giant cast a spell and we all took damage from the spell. Enalo said it was a mass cause wounds spell. The two wyverns concentrated their attacks on Specere. Luckily only one claw landed. The next attack was from the floating head. It moved forward and screamed. It scared the hell out of me, but I recovered. Specere on the other hand was frightened out of his mind and cowered in fear. He didn’t even try to defend himself. This was bad since he was our main fighter that just left Enalo, a summoned crocodile, a summoned celestial lion and myself. Enalo cast a powerful ice spell into the room and flew, as a bat, out of sight of the main door. The crocodile charged up and grappled one of the wyverns. There were pretty evenly matched. Specere was so frightened that we just cowered right in front of the other wyvern. I made a quick evaluation of the situation and figured the wyverns were going to be busy killing Specere and the summoned crocodile. The floating head and giant needed to be stopped, especially the giant. If we let him continue to cast spells the battle wasn’t going to last much longer. I decided I should enter the room and try and sneak attack the giant maybe I could distract him long enough for Enalo to summon another creature. I cast invisibility on myself and used my immediate magic to fly into the room. As I passed by the floating head I felt a wave of fear pass though my body. I got as far through the room as I could before the fly spell ended, right behind the giant. My celestial lion charged and attacked the second wyvern drawing his attacks away from Specere. The only real enemy the giant could see was Specere, so he used a spectral hand to try and touch him with some kind of spell. Specere was able to shake of the effects of the new spells, but he continued to cower in fear of the floating head. The head screamed again. I felt much less afraid of it this time. Somewhere outside the room I hoped Enalo was summoning something to help me after my attack on the giant. If he didn’t summon something I wouldn’t last but a few second going toe-to-toe with the fire giant. I waited for just the right opportunity to attack the giant. First I changed into my persona of Malice the Unseen for the extra sneak attack damage. I made my attack and the giant definitely noticed the attack somehow after the attack I felt much weaker. At least I could tell my attack hurt him. He turned, looking a little surprised to see me, and cast a spell on me. I activate the brief figment of myself so he had to guess which of the two images was me. He guessed correctly and I could feel two different effects, but neither of them seemed to affect me. The floating head came over and attack the other image causing it to disappear. The ungrappled wyvern attacked and killed my celestial lion and would soon refocus its attention on Specere. Specere probably won’t last long with the Wyverns powerful attacks. Finally something good happened. Thank the Traveler; Enalo did summon an Icy Grillion with four arms to help me out. He also cast a dispel magic at the fire giant and the faint flickering energy surrounding the giant disappeared. The grillion rushed up and began attacking the fire giant with its four arms. Since the giant was distracted I stepped back and shot the grappled wyvern with a magic missile killing it. The fire giant sensed the turn in the battle released some kind of negative energy burst. The main target was Specere. He looked much weaker after the attack. The last wyvern continued to attack Specere. The floating head came over to help out it master and attacked the girillion. The summoned crocodile tried grappling the remaining wyvern without any luck. The girillion on the other hand continued to pound the fire giant with its relentless four arms. Following the attacks by the girillion the fire giant dropped dead. The floating head immediately fled out the opening in the roof and the remaining wyvern collapsed returning to the land of the dead. We grabbed the giant items and cut his head off for proof for High Priestess Zumana. If Zumana planned on attacking us, now was the time. Most of our best spells had been used up and we were still short Argent. Inspecting the device we discovered that the crystals could be removed. We sent the girillion over to take one. It removed the crystal and a soul was released. It floated around the room. It was vaguely elf shaped. That’s when I realized that this was the souls of the Valanar Elves. We all began removing the crystals releasing the trapped souls. After the last crystal had been removed two ancient elven spirits stopped and thanked us for freeing them. We told them of the attacks on Aundair and asked if they would stop the attacks. They told us the attacks would stop immediately and that the Valanar Elves would forever hold us in high favor. The last two elven spirits left out the hole in the roof. I went back and took what was left of Argent’s body and put it into the bag of holding. We looked briefly looked for the four vampire’s coffins but didn’t have any luck. We decided it might be best to try and cross the city and make a run for the elevator. Enalo was able to guide us back through the tunnels to the city without getting lost. I would have definitely gotten us lost. Once we got near the city we did our best to sneak across the city and past Zumana’s temple. I noticed several thought that seemed to notice us. One of the thoughts disappeared into the building, probably to alert all the drow to our attempt to escape. We hastily made our way to the elevator as what looked like hundreds of drow came flowing out of the temple. Once the elevator made it to the top I did my best to disable it so they couldn’t use it to catch us. We ran to the top of the ziggurat, down the stair, across the lava field and into the forest until it was too dark to continue. We set up camp and took our watches. In the morning we continued towards the halfling village until that evening. We decided we should be far enough from the drow to use the whistle. I blew the whistle and waited. About an hour later a portal opened. It remained open so we decided to pass through it and see what was on the other side. Stormreach! We made it back to civilization. We need a vacation after dealing with the Ruins of Al-Anria.


[Those who fail the save against the Vargoyles scream became shaken]
{Argent} Your shaken, not stirred.

[The Girillion has the rend ability]
{Tyrrick} That’s rended, not rear ended.

[Asking Enalo what he uses for a missile weapon]
{Enalo} I shot pets.

[DM attacked Specere with a wyvern]
{DM} You evaded the money bite.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Session 24 May 22, 2007

Session 24 The Ruins of Al-Anria and the return of High Priestess Zumana
Dungeon Master: {Josh)

The Players:
Sarai Stewart aka “Arch-Mage Tyrrick”, “Inspector Gideon”, “Denimet Half-Dragon” and “Proprius Perficio” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-7, Wizard-1, Master of Masks-4
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-12
Enalo Endless Shores (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-12
Specere Tredecim (Jeff) Synad Psionic Warrior-4, Crusader-8

Ann the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Trot the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-5 [Retired]
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-4 Sorcerer-1 [Retired]

The decision was to press on before our enemies had a chance to regroup and hit us again. First stop the temple where we met the “Death Mother”. The room looked the same as we left it, except all the bodies were now gone. Moving on we exited through the door on the other side of the altar to where the door we entered. Beyond the door was a short hallway that turned east. We followed the hallway until we came to an area I thought would link up with the south end of this level. I searched the hallway and sure enough found the secret door linking the two areas. We headed south and came to a door. The door was untrapped and there were no detectable thoughts on the other side of the door. Argent opened the door and the room had a slight shimmering to it. Specere immediately reacted by stepping inside the room and attacking the huge gelatinous cube. He obviously put everything he had into the attack. The gelatinous cube didn’t just die; Specere released all his psychic energy into the powerful attack delivering a blow that was truly amazing. The gelatinous cube exploded into small bits of goo and vapor. When the attack was over the walls and Specere were covered in the remnants of the once ooze. There was nothing in the room of value especially after Specere’s attack. We returned to the secret door and continued east, north and then east. In the middle of the hallway a spring-loaded set of walls slammed together nearly flattened Specere and me. I inspected the trap and disabled it before we continued down the hall to a door. Again I detected no thoughts or traps. I moved to the back of the group and Argent moved to the front next to Specere. The room beyond was formally a mess hall. The room looked as though is had not been used in some time. There were two doors one to the north and one to the south. We headed to the southern door. I didn’t find any traps, but I did detect one intelligent thought on the other side of the door. Specere listened and thought he heard a chewing sound coming from the room. I moved to the back of the party and Argent moved to the front. Argent opened the door and in the supply room was a huge vermin. Argent charged first slamming the vermin followed by Specere. Following Specere’s attack the creature fell dead. The creature had been eating the decay supplies in this storeroom. In the back of the storeroom behind a set of shelves I found a chest. After inspecting the chest I handed it to Specere to open. Inside the chest was 3000sp, 5000gp, 26 gems and 6 jewels. We headed back through the mess hall and through the northern door after we checked and found no traps or didn’t detect any thoughts. The room was mostly empty, so we decided to search for secret door that might connect the eastern part of the level to the northern part of the level. While searching as Inspector Gideon, Enalo called for our attention. Standing in the doorway was another Synad. Looked just like Specere. He looked nervous and once he knew we had noticed him he said, “Please don’t hurt me I have a message to deliver.” I asked who sent him and he answered “High Priestess Zumana”. I noticed he had the message in his hand so I decided it might best to cast a detect magic on the note. It didn’t glow. Specere walked up to the poor guy and grabbed the collar around his neck and broke it off him telling him “Now, your free”. The poor guy answered, “What do I do now?” Specere told his new “brother” of his old “brother” in Stormreach and to ask for Dean Petty from Morgrave University and how he would help him out. I took the message and read it. It read

You have proved yourselves capable,
follow this servant. I want to know
your intensions. You will not be harmed.

High Priestess Zumana

The servants’ name was Specimen 27. He told us that we needed to go back up to the room where we had first met High Priest Zumana. We did. Next we went through the secret door under the altar and down the narrow path. This time though instead of the path ending in nothingness there was an elevator big enough for two people at a time to ride down into the darkness. The first trip was Specimen 27, Argent and Enalo, as a bat flying down on his own. After about a minute Specimen 27 returned. Specere and me had him explain how to work the elevator and told Specimen 27 to make a run for it and we wished him good luck. Specere and me headed down into the darkness. The elevator dropped down for about a full minute before we stopped in what looked to be the gates of a city. We approached the gates I did a quick scan around detecting two thoughts. I called out to the two invisible followers “I know you two are standing there why don’t you reveal yourselves.” I don’t think the two followers liked the fact that I knew they were there. I took off running the other way until they were out of my range. Outside the door, leading to who knows what, I decided to detect thought on the other side of the door. To my surprise there were hundreds of minds on the other side of the door. This could not be good. Zumana promised us we would not be harmed, but we know Zumana is chaotic. I cast Cat’s Grace on Specere and myself. I don’t know if it was that we were about to walk into sure death or the fact that I had just recently died and narrowly avoided two other deaths, but I saw Specere in a way I had never noticed before. He is not only a good friend, but he is the only man in my life I could say I had feeling for. It was in this moment that I made a decision as I turned into a form I had only thought about many times. I turned into a beautiful female Synad, the same race as Specere. I looked into his eyes and told him, “If you can get me out of this, I’m yours.” His eyes got big, but he understood what I was saying. We turned and entered through the doors. Just before we entered changed into Denimet Half-Dragon in case I needed to use my dragon breath. Inside were hundreds of drow and dozens of trolls. In the room standing alone was Argent. Flying above Argent was Enalo the bat. Forty feet beyond Argent was High Priestess Zumana. We bravely walked forward and stopped beside Argent. The huge hall was deathly silent. Zumana finally spoke. “What are your intentions for coming to the ruins?” I explained, “We were hired by Morgrave University to find the ancient runes in the ruins of Al-Anria.” While she was speaking I began detecting thoughts around me and found that many of the drow were invisible and standing a little to close for my comfort. Zumana began again “Your group has show itself to be resourceful and I would like to make deal with you, come forward.” I figured it was time to see if what she was saying was true and how much she really feared or hated us. “If we are going to work together than maybe you could have your invisible drow show themselves and back away.” Not wanting to show weakness Zumana just stood there waiting for us to come closer.” Argent suggested we more forward apparently one of the guards informed him that Zumana doesn’t repeat herself. We approached Zumana until only we could hear what she had to saw. So she began by telling us a story “You are in the city of Thandysha this is not our original home. To the south is our home city of Xil’etha. A fire giant attacked us and he took over our city. We were forced to flee here and capture this city. What I what you to do is to kill the fire giant leader and you and your friends from Morgrave University can have this city to study all you want.” I decided to press our luck again and see what more information you might reveal. I said, “If we kill the fire giant we want the gems.” Zumana said, “So you know about the gems, fine if you kill the fire giant you can have the gems.” She further explained, “The fire giant is currently running a ritual that takes twenty four hours. All he has is his four bodyguards protecting him. This would be the best time to kill him”. I asked, “Can you give us some of your assassins to help us fight the guards and the fire giant?” She explained, “We can not be associated with this attack in anyway or he will kill me.” I told her, “We agree to kill the fire giant, but we need to rest first is there a place we can sleep down here also we would like the ownership of Specimen 27.” Zumana told us, “You can sleep up in the pyramid and you can do what you want with Specimen 27 he is yours. Also I will send one of my priest to escort you to where the ritual is taking place in the morning.”
We camped and made ready for a fight against four guards and a fire giant. Both Enalo and myself prepared several ice spells. In the morning a female drow named Lorakythe came and took us to the ritual. We walked for hours deeper and deeper into the underearth. Eventually we stopped in a cavern and Lorakythe turned to us and said, “Zumana is my mother and she has no intention of keeping up her end of the bargain. If you survive find me and I will help you defeat Zumana and give you the gems.” Not knowing if this was a true statement or a set up we agreed. Lorakythe left us as we began casting a couple of spells. I cast dancing light. Just as I finished we all heard a death cry. Our best guess is Zumana sent some of her assassins to kill her daughter either because she didn’t trust her or knew of the plan to betray her. Either way it sounded as thought they had killed her. I logged that fact into my mind and if we got out of this maybe we could find her body and have her resurrected and still work out a deal with her. As we rounded the corner we saw a ledge and a ten-foot wide walkway heading into the darkness. I decided a little light might be a good idea so moved my dancing lights forward. Argent led the way and was shot by something from out of the darkness. I moved my lights ahead up the walkway towards a landing where three drow and a huge troll stood. Specere moved past me and stepped out onto the walkway. The troll wasted no time in charging and attacking Argent with a nasty swipe of his claw. Enalo flew out over the bottomless darkness and cast his now famous Vorpal Fish. The drow with an extra long arm shot Argent with some type of spell. It looked painful and Argent acted like it hurt too. Argent went berserk and attacked the troll slashing its chest with the Sword of Winter’s. The drow in the back with the bow shot Argent again hitting him. I cast a scorching ray at the troll hiting him solidly. Specere attacked the troll killing it and in the process was able to heal Argent a little. When the troll died though it turned into a drow and went gaseous. We were fighting vampiric drow. Enalo saw that several of the drow found safe positions just outside of the vorpal fish spell so he cast another one over the top of the other one such that the drow had no more safe places to stand without one the fish attacking them. The drow with the big arm fired a cone of eldritch blast hitting both Specere and Enalo. This was followed up by the spellcaster with the rapier who cast another spell. This time I recognized it as a fireball it hit both Specere and Argent. Luckily I was quick enough to avoid any damage. Both Specere and Argent both said they felt weaker after the spell hit them. Argent was looking bad, but continued to press the attack. The two warriors in the front decided to concentrate their attacks on the Rapier wielding spellcaster. Argent was the first to attack him with a well-placed strike. The drow in the back took the opportunity to cast a spell on Argent, but we shook off the effects. I pulled out a scroll of summon monster IV and began reading the scroll. Enalo let his fish inflict more damage on the drow and some on Argent as well before choosing to end the spells. He also tried to dispel magic on the rapiered drow in hope of weakening his defense. Once the fish spells had ended Specere rushed the spellcaster, but the attack missed as we noticed that the spellcasters form would blink every so often. The large armed drow tried attacking Argent with his two claw and a bite, fortunately all the attacks missed. The rapiered drow was much more accurate with his attacks hitting Argent twice. Argent looked like he was near death after the attacks. The bow user must have seen the same thing and shot Argent twice with his bow. Argent took the two hits in the chest and fell over backwards. I had never seen a warforged die before and I hope I never have to see it again. Almost as soon as he hit the ground he began to deteriorate right before my eyes. In my anger I finished summon my lion and sent it after the murdering drow. The lion did its best clawing him once, but it looked like it did little to no damage. I fired five magic missiles at the wizard hitting with all of them and ending his evil life right then and there. Enalo following my lead began casting a summon spell of his own. Specere with a full attack didn’t hold anything back and struck the large armed drow with three vicious attacks. When we had finished the drow lay dead at his feet. With just the bow using drow left I shot him first with a lesser acid orb followed by the appearance of a huge crocodile that chomped the drow into the next life. Now what? We are short one warrior, but we have an extra crocodile and a celestial lion to help us fight whatever lay beyond the door. Or maybe we should blow the whistle hoping to return to either the drow or Stormreach so we can try and return Argent back to the living. Whatever choice we make in the next few second we need to make it quick I sure the fire giant is not ideally waiting for us to arrive.

[After a good roll on a disable device check]
{Tyrrick} If my disable device check is 5 more than the DC I get the trap.
{DM} OK you get the two walls.

[DM describing the sounds Specere hears on the other side of the door]
{DM} You hear the sounds of mastication.
{Tyrrick} Did you saw masturbation?

[Specere power attacks a gelatinous cube for 105 points of damage]
{DM} You and the walls are covered in ooze.
{DM} You look like a porn star. Bukkake.
[Specere telling us he’s going to regains his psionic focus]
{Specere} then I’d better recharge my weapon.

[Enalo as a Rhino telling us what his primary attack is]
{Enalo} I’m horny.

[Four characters about to go down a two-person elevator]
{Enalo} I could turn into a pigeon and sit on Argent’s shoulder.
{Tyrrick} Yea, Argent {the warforged} is like a statue and if you’re a pigeon you could shit on him. That’s what pigeon do.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Session 23 May 15, 2007

Session 23 Return to the Ruins of Al-Anria
Dungeon Master {Josh)

The Players:
“Archmage Tyrrick” and “Inspector Gideon” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-7, Wizard-1, Master of Masks-3
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-11
Enalo Endless Shores and Ann the Crocodile (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-11
Specere Tredecim (Jeff) Synad Psionic Warrior-4, Crusader-7

Trot the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-5 [Retired]
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-4 Sorcerer-1 [Retired]

Having finally gotting a few hours of sleep we awoke in the morning feeling better about our situation. I took eight hours to make my assassin “mask” persona, Malice the Unseen. Enalo began his twenty-four hour vigil to summon a new animal companion. Argent did a little tuning up and Specere did some training. We seemed to be outside the influence of the drow here in the jungle. I tried detecting to see if we were being scryed and found out that we, in fact, were not being observed. We get a few more hours of rest and relaxation. Enalo finished his ritual and from somewhere out of the wild came a new crocodile. He named this crocodile, Ann. The two fighters seemed eager to return to the ziggurat and kill more drow, especially Specere. I would have been just as happy trying to find the halfling village and return home. Instead I chose to keep my mouth closed. We decided in the morning to head back to the ruins of Al-Anria. I wonder if this might be my last night beneath the stars. We know the drow have several high level leaders and it seems we have gotten their attention. Each time they attack us with better and better troops. Eventually they will probably send a whole unit or maybe an army to deal with us.
The next morning we began our hike across the volcanic plain, then up the hundreds of stairs and down the ladder into the top level. We hiked to the staircase down and headed to the spinning hallway and on to the ramp room. Next we hike over to the secret ladder hidden beneath the big ring. As we headed out the first room Argent, in the front, tripped over a wire across the doorway. I inspect the wire and find the set up of the tripwire trap and where the wire went into the wall. After a further inspection I found a hidden compartment that contain a small box. I believe it was an early warning device. Well they know were here again. We decide to further explore this level. It was decided to head back to the Death Mother temple where we found the lich. As we approached the pit we noticed the door we had been laying across the pit was gone. With Argent and Specere forming our front line I was behind them followed by Enalo the Rhino and Ann the Crocodile. As Specere and Argent approached the pit three archers appear across the pit and fire arrows at Specere. One was wearing plate armor, the other two were wearing leather armor. They hit Specere twice. He said the arrows made him itch wear they sunk into his flesh. Typical of the drow to use poisoned arrows. Specere jumped to the left hallway of the four-way intersection over the pit and not only nearly fell into the pit, but almost landed on a drow ninja. The archers moved a few feet to continue to fire arrows at Specere. Again one of them hit Specere. I fired a fireball down the hallway trying to catch the armored warrior and the two archers. I did seem to damage all three, but not very much. From behind I heard the awful sound of a crocodile scream as an invisible troll attacked Ann from behind. It looked like a nasty wound. It would be unlikely she could survive another hit like the again. Argent following Specere’s lead and jumped over the pit into the right hallway. Just like Specere he landed right next to a drow ninja. Argent didn’t mess around and pounded the unsuspecting ninja. Enalo sensing that his animal companion was in trouble used is blinding spittle ability and hit the troll right in the eyes. Ann not missing an opportunity like that bit the troll. The armored drow also continued to fire on Specere, but missed him. Specere did his usual mighty first attack. He said it was something like divine surge, giant stance and bless. All I know is the ninja dropped instantly. The ninja and the archers all made their attacks and missed Argent and Specere respectively. I changed my attack and targeted the Troll with a fireball. Much to my surprise he deftly evaded my attack. Must be some kind of thief. The troll stumbled out the door at the end of the hall and into the room beyond. The bad news was a second invisible troll snuck into the room and attacked Ann again. She never had a chance. His attack killed her outright and there was nothing we could do. Argent positioned himself next to the ninja and around the corner from one of the archers. His first maneuver killed the ninja and his secondary attack caught the archer completely by surprise wounding him. Somewhere behind me I heard Enalo telling me to get the hell out of the way unless I wanted get into melee combat. He’s right I don’t want to get into melee combat. On the other side of the battle the armored warrior was having troubles firing his bow and couldn’t get a shot off. Specere jumped across the pit again next to an armored warrior. He nearly fell into the pit again, but he recovered and sliced nicely through the warrior dropping him. The remaining archer shot Specere again as he shrugged off the effects of the poison. Before I moved out of Enalo’s way I fired a magic missile at the troll hitting him solidly then I backed up towards the edge of the pit behind Enalo. Enalo charged the troll in rhino form. Man that has to hurt. The troll took the horn right into the gut, but not before he smacked Enalo with a claw. The troll seemed enraged and attacked Enalo again. Argent saw an opportunity to jump across the pit when the archer died. He moved up and leaped across the pit and moved down the hallway dropping the sword of winter’s and pulling out a drow scorpion chain. Specere attacked the last archer, although he lived through the attack he wouldn’t live for much longer. The archer not liking his chances against the two warriors pulled out his rapier and prepared for combat. I chose my next spell carefully and targeted the troll with another magic missile hitting it right in the chest. To our surprise the second troll came back into the room and climbed the wall past his partner and dropped between myself and the now surrounded Enalo. On the troll’s back was some kind of spider arms that helped him to climb the wall. The other troll thankfully missed Enalo. Argent sensing that Specere could handle the remaining archer turned and made a running leap attack over the pit and into the troll. It was a beautiful thing to see. As Argent expected Specere had little trouble finishing off the last archer before head back our way. I sensed an opportunity to sneak attack the troll. I made a fantastic attack that would have killed many a creature, but just as I attacked the troll he blinked and my attack missed. Damn! Unfortunately the troll didn’t miss me smacking me with a huge claw. Argent and Enalo both hit their troll with nice attacks. Specere made his leap attack over the pit and with a nice landing killed the first of the two trolls. As for myself I moved as far back as I could and fired another magic missile at the remaining troll. Enalo cast his flying piranha spell further damaging the troll. The troll in a panic hit Argent with a claw before Argent returned the favor. Still in combat I used my rapier to damage the troll followed by the fish attacking the troll again finishing him off once and for all. We gathered up the treasure and began discussions as what to do next, press on or pull back and reload up on our spells and abilities.


{Tyrrick} Warforged don’t have asshole
{Specere} No, he has three assholes [pointing at the three of us]

[In reference to the box from the trap]
{Tyrrick} Where’s the hole?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Session 22 May 8, 2007

Session 22 The Ruins of Al-Anria and the Jungles of Zen’drik.
Dungeon Master {Josh)

The Players:
“Archmage Tyrrick” (Brendan) Changeling Thief-7, Wizard-1, Master of Masks-3
Argent (Ben) Warforged War Blade-11
Enalo Endless Shores (Mike) Water Goblin Druid-11
Specere Tredecim (Jeff) Synad Psionic Warrior-4, Crusader-7

Trot the Crocodile (Mike) Enalo’s Animal Companion [Dead]
Othokent Ketherd (Michael) Kobold Bard-5 [Retired]
Prechrysler (Steve) Human Wizard-4 Sorcerer-1 [Retired]

It’s a long night. Enalo just sits in the corner in deep thought. We all miss Trot, but I can’t imagine what its like for Enalo. We all take our watches with no incident. In the morning we discuss our option and decide maybe we should go outside of the ziggurat and make camp outside the drow influence. I need eight hours to make a new “mask”. I decide it will be the persona of Malice the Assassin. As we leave Enalo sets the body of Trot on fire. I did notice he took some teeth from Trot as a memorial before setting the fire. We hike all the way back out the top of the ziggurat. It’s nice to feel the sunlight again. I don’t like the underground very much. We hike down the stair and start across the volcanic plain. Four Lava Worms surprise Enalo. They hit him before Specere, Argent and Enalo with help from me kill three of them. The last one attacks and hits Argent before Specere can finish it off. We pick an area way across the lava plain just inside the jungle such that we can still see the ziggurat and camp safely. I have enough time to identify two magic items and make my mask before it turns dark. Enalo chose to go off into the woods. I saw him later and he was praying to his gods. I think he was asking for a new animal companion. Poor guy. By the time it was dark we set up watch without Enalo as he continued to pray. Argent, being a warforged, was on all watches. Specere took a watch and a half. Then he slept while Argent was alone for about an hour on watch. Off course that is when we were attacked. It seems that while Enalo, the Rhino, was praying when some assassins shot him in the ass. He alerted Argent and came running back to our campfire. Argent woke up Specere and myself before running out to meet Enalo. It seemed our assailants were invisible. I pull out my wand of web and cast seven webs around our position. I left the path from Enalo and Argent to us open. The two of them slow backed into the protective circle provided by the webs. I filled the last opening with a web and began detecting thoughts. The assassins seemed to have disappeared just as quickly as they arrived. The web remained for another thirty minutes so all of us except Argent got some sleep. At the end of the webs duration Argent woke me up and together we stood watch. I walked around the campfire detecting thought the whole time. After about an hour I found two thought approaching from the south. Rather than tell Argent where the attack was coming from I instead fired a web onto the two attackers. My next move I fireballed the area they were in and Argent fired his bow into the darkness. Specere and Enalo got up. Enalo began casting a spell and Specere backed me up. Argent rushed out to try and catch the attackers. Enalo summoned a girillion right next to the assassins. The girillion looked like a four-armed albino gorilla. The assassins attacked the girillion as the girrillion attacked both assassins. The battle was both bloody and deadly. The assassins both took serious damage and the girillion nearly died. Argent ran up close to the attackers as one killed the girillion and the other took off running. Enalo (now in bird form) flew above the battlefield and summoned two crocodiles. The first one grabbed the assassin that didn’t run and the other appeared closer to the fleeing assassin and grabbed him. Within a few seconds both assassins were dead. The crocodiles carried the dead bodies back to camp so we could get a better look at them. They were from the drow master race, so we took their items and let Specere dispose of the bodies. Specere has an extreme hatred of the drow master race and did unnatural things to the bodies. We went back to sleep and left Argent and Enalo on last watch. The rest of the night pasted uneventfully.

[Enalo, as a Rhino, was shot from behind by two arrows.]
{Enalo} Somebody do a spot check on my ass
{Enalo} I felt two pricks in my ass.
[Argent as a Warforged is immune to poison]
{Enalo to Argent} Suck the poison out of my ass.